Sunday, February 10, 2019

Trust. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture..."
There are many commands to trust the Lord in the Word, and there are many promises given to those who do.
The Lord share with me a recipe for Trust last year - and I was reminded of the vitality of it again recently -
T - Turn it over: whatever it is that is troubling you, turn it over to the God who cares for you and is infinitely able to hold it.
R - Repent: Lack faith and trust in Him is sin and separates us from Him
U - "You": Our trust should be centered (just like the U is in the centre of the word) on God: His ability, His love, His faithfulness, His wisdom.
S - Stay. Remain in that place of trust and rest. Actively remain.
T - Thanks: Give thanks. Give thanks before receiving. Give thanks in the midst of the unknown.