Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank you Father for ...

44. a bold pink wildflower that escaped the goats' voracity

45. a dishwasher

46. the dishes in the sink that stand to show that my children can eat three meals a day

47. a surprise birthday party

48. the thoughtfulness of friends

from "Dancing with My Father" by Sally Clarkson:
"joy would be my goal, that I would look everywhere I go for God's touch, his shadow, his signature" (p. 12)

"His joy...it is wrapped up in him as my heavenly Father, that he is the Initiator, the Provider, the Lover, the Strong One." (p. 13)

"Joy is found in the presence of God in the midst of all circumstances, in delighting in the life he has given." (p. 39)

I can rejoice - I can live in joy because of Him. He does not change. These quotes remind me of another thing the Lord has been gently reminding me of lately. He has assigned me my portion and my cup... The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places... (Psalm 16:5,6)

Joy, just like thankfulness is available to me if I will but choose to turn my eyes and heart to Him. If I will obey and 'give thanks in all circumstances' (I Thessalonians 5:18). If I will choose to see Him, to hear His voice, to recognize His fingerprints in the circumstances of my day.

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